Saturday, March 20, 2010

Posting From Dallas

Hey, y'all! It's been three weeks since I last posted because I'm lazy and have no work ethic. My spring break ends tomorrow, so I'm back to the roots of this blog and posting from John's computer. I'm not looking forward to going back to Austin, but I think these next seven weeks will go by faster than the last seven, mostly because I've got two plays coming up that I'm follow spotting. Also, so far I've got an A in each class, and I'm going to try to keep it that way.

Last Saturday, I helped out on set for the horror John and his friends are filming. I've missed working with them. My brother's in the film, which is kind of weird, but it was alright; we got along fine (something that never would have happened more than a year ago).

Then last Sunday was the Kosher Chili Cook-off, which basically translates to all the bland chili you can eat for ten bucks...with no cheese. My chili is so much better and spicier and has a better consistency, and I think it's because so many of the cooks for the cook-off are from too far north to understand chili. Here's what goes in my chili (no real proportions, everything added to taste):
  • Ground beef (browned in vegetable oil)
  • Tomato juice
  • Onion
  • Elephant garlic
  • Habaneros
  • Cumin
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Chili powder
  • Flour (to thicken)
  • Squeeze of lime
  • Splash of Dr. Pepper or sprinkle of brown sugar
  • Crushed red pepper
Yes, it's spicy, but isn't that kind of the point? Most importantly, there are NO BEANS. Beans are filler, fine for bulking up some meat for an under-three-dollars meal (cheap beef, cheap beans, cheap tomato sauce, and spices), but for real Texas chili, beans are a no-no. Just don't.

I got a haircut on Thursday. A major one. I lost maybe six inches of real length (as opposed to curl length, which was maybe four inches; consideration must be taken for the rise). It's as short as I asked my hairdresser to cut it, I just didn't realize how short I was asking for. John loves it; I'm still getting used to it.

OK, so here and here are a couple of random Cracked articles. I love me some Cracked.

Y'know those moments when you're surfing the web and your buddy's sitting behind you going on and on about nothing particular, and then he says something that makes you wish you were sitting at your drums instead so you could do a rimshot? Well, here. Instant rimshot.

As I surf the web, I makes notes of things I want to share on my blog, so if it all seems random, it is.

Like this.
I had this exact same argument with a friend of mine who went to a science magnet high school. I mean, centrifugal force makes logical sense to anybody who's ridden the Sombrero ride at Six Flags. Sheesh. (Fictitious Centrifugal Force doesn't mean it doesn't exist; it's a technical term.)

Well, that's pretty much all I have for now. John's heating up lunch, so I'm going to go. We'll talk soon. Cheers!

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