Saturday, February 27, 2010


Y'know what's good? Cake.

Everyone's probably smacking themselves in the forehead now saying "Ugh, I was totally going to say cake, and then I didn't; I read too fast and didn't give myself time to come up with an answer, but I totally would have said cake, I swear!"

Cake is one of the best things ever. Marc Acito writes in How I Paid for College of the magical wish granting properties of cake. Birthdays, celebrations of life, are looked forward to because cake is involved. Have you ever seen someone become sad because they were offered cake? Of course not! Cake is amazing! In an effort to make sure that everyone can have cake, gluten-free, vegan, Kosher for Passover, and sugar-free cake have been invented. Anybody who says they don't like cake is a liar, or they've just been eating really crappy cake.

I mean, the sheer goodness of cake has even found its way into some incarnations of the "Rules of the Internet." Something about the deliciousness of the cake and how it is therefore necessary for one to partake of it. It's one of those Rules in the 40s. Yeah, somewhere in there.

And now, for the pictures. Oh, yes, you had to know there'd be pictures of cake involved here. Behold!

My 20th birthday cake! (It was Lemon Butter-Cream.)

This cake was baked by a girl in my acting class who then frosted and sprinkled it as an activity during a Meisner exercise. And then she let us eat it! (It was strawberry.)

Mmm, as my buddy Paco once wisely told me, "Tengri the sky god smiles upon cake from the land of the Eternal Blue Sky."

John had a girl he knows make my birthday cake. It was the most delicious cake EVER! I'm glad we went with lemon, because I had originally asked him to have her make apple-honey cake (since my birthday was on Rosh Hashanah this year), but John, obviously not knowing enough about cake, didn't think she could make it. It's not hard; you make an apple cake with honey in it or a honey cake with apples in it. But whatever. Eating that lemon cake was like having a mouth orgasm. And it was super cute.

Speaking of John and cake, he used to work at a place next to Bronwen Weber's Frosted Art, and helped her out doing who cares what a couple of times. She made a cake for his friend Becky's birthday once. I reacted to this the way John reacted to finding out that I shook Jimmy Carter's hand when I was in fourth grade. Bronwen is a cake goddess. And, yes, I do in fact watch the Food Network Cake Challenges like a housewife watches soaps.

After all this cake talk, I think I might have to run across the street to Kerby Lane to get a slice of the best carrot cake ever. But before I do, here are some related pictures of cookies:

The reason I'm holding them like that is because I kept forgetting to take the picture before taking the first bite. Oops.

It's the Jewish holiday of Purim tonight, which means that my dad brought me Hamantaschen, the traditional cookie of the holiday. I would have put up pictures of those, since you may never have seen Hamantaschen before, but I, uh--I ate them all before I could take a picture. That not entirely true, I've still got a couple of chocolate ones, because I don't like chocolate, but I snapped them apart to see what flavor they were, so they aren't in any shape to be photographed. But here's the Wikipedia page on them, if it's any consolation.

Well, that was fun. Hey, does anyone else have a sudden, unexplained desire to eat cake? Weird.

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