Monday, February 22, 2010

It's Not Technically My Fault, But...

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in almost a month. I've had no internet and now no computer and there's been school work and oh!, everything's just been a mess. I'm actually in the computer lab now, what with my lack of personal computer, and as I sat here, I thought, "Geez, I should at least apologize to the two people who read my blog," so I'm sorry guys. I have a couple of posts that I had been trying to tweak before my computer troubles started, and I'll get them up soon. I promise.

In other news, I'm doing well in all of my classes (for once), and am actually planning to keep it up. I got my first German test back today with a 93, and did a little happy dance in my seat, even though I lost half a point for something really stupid (quick writing error that turned a lower-case N into a lower-case R), but whatever.

In my Acting III class on Thursday, I blushed during the activity my partner and I were doing, but not out of embarrassment being in front of the class, but as an actual reaction to what was going on in the scene. It was AWESOME. I've been acting my whole life, but this was the first time that I forgot about the audience and became completely immersed in the scene. I blushed a couple of times and my eyes got wet and I was emotionally drained after the fifteen minutes (that felt like five) and DAMN, was it all really cool. For the first time in my acting career (which I've all but given up for technical theatre), I felt like an actual actor.

This morning I got a call, which I returned and left a message about this afternoon, offering me a single room in the really nice dormitory across the street next year. I thought long and hard (ha, long and hard) about it and finally decided the pros outweighed the cons. I'll have my own bathroom; the space and quiet to read, write, design, daydream, and all the other creative things I like to do from time to time; the solitude necessary to start exercising regularly, which I need because I'm a freak and can't work out in front of other people (made even weirder by my build: 5'2.5" and about 107 pounds; there's no reason for me to get self-conscious, but I'm always afraid someone's going to tell me my form's bad or something); the alienation from society necessary to begin the soul-searching period of my life; no underage roommate preventing me from legally having alcohol in the room once I turn 21; probably the only opportunity that I'll ever have to live alone; and a plethora of other awesome things. The cons are that I'll have no one to have lengthy conversations with in person for long spans of time (perhaps weeks or months), that it's a co-ed dorm (ick, ball stank) and that I'll have to get over my fear of the dark. So I accepted the offer, and hopefully I'll get it.

My roommate will be getting her own apartment next year, and she will be hosting dinner parties, which I will be invited to (have I mentioned that I love my roommate?). And she's planning on getting a job this summer at the 24-hour cafe near John's apartment, so she'll get me the hook-up and I'll tip her well and everything with be awesome.

For once, John is doing worse in his classes than I'm doing in mine, but I'll wait until grades come out at the beginning of the summer to rub his face in it. Until then, I'm rubbing his face in the fact that I've starting working out while he sits around drinking whole six-packs by himself (sorry, John). To his credit, though, he has started watching his caloric intake, so go him. I'm trying to watch what I eat again, but this time because I'm mega-budgeting until Spring Break.

So, I promise that I will update with some fun posts very, very soon. I posted a bit about internet memes about three weeks ago, and then decided I hated it and took it down twelve hours later. But soon, meaning this week, I will have at least one new post (besides this one, of course) up, if not two. It's just such a drag to have to come to the computer lab to do them.

Before I go, here is an article that John forwarded to me. Movie buffs and literary fans alike, enjoy! I've missed posting, so I'll be braving the lab more often so I can talk to y'all. Later!

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