Monday, January 25, 2010

I Consider Myself Lucky There's a Family Guy

Have I ever told y'all about how Family Guy saved my life? No, don't bother checking--I haven't. The details aren't important, actually, and in fact are a little weird for me to talk about, so just accept that I'm alive today because of an animated television show. Now every time I feel like the world is collapsing around me, all I have to do is watch an episode or two of hilarious shenanigans to start feeling like the sun will shine again tomorrow.

Here's the problem: [adult swim] doesn't air Family Guy on Fridays or Saturdays. And as an anti-social freak who goes to school in a city 200 miles away from the one where all the people who would otherwise distract her on weekend nights live, I get lonely. Yesterday, I felt like shit, I needed someone to talk to, my roommate was staying with a friend, John was busy all day, and to top it all off, it was Saturday. Y'know what [adult swim] shows on Saturdays? F*cking Anime. Does anyone even watch [adult swim] on Saturdays, really? Answer: probably not. But then, finally, long after I had started feeling like hell, I remembered: John gave me a couple of Season Two DVDs for my birthday! Huzzah! And (thankfully, because he thought they didn't work anymore) those lasted me until tonight, when [adult swim] went back to not sucking for another five nights. (I propose that [adult swim] attempt not to suck seven nights a week.)

And so, I would like to send out a very special "Thank You" to two very special men in my life: 1) My wonderful fiance, John, for giving me what he thought were some crapped out DVDs, and 2) Seth MacFarlane, for being hilarious and amazing and the reason I get out of bed in the morning (sorry, John).

I'm not going to say I'm Family Guy's biggest fan (or anywhere close to it), but mostly because saying it would make me sound like a tool. Also because I don't have this tattoo or this tattoo or these tattoos. Now the question: Why does everyone get Stewie? If I were ballsy enough to get a Family Guy character permanently inked into my flesh, I'd get Brian (ooh, or Brian and Stewie, maybe dressed in funny costumes). Brian is awesome.

Y'know, it's kind of weird--last year I used Family Guy to escape my roommates, and this year I use it to bond with my roommate. My ex-roommates were bitches.

Now, that I've stopped rambling about my love for Family Guy, here's some information about Ballistic Organ Syndrome.

And here's a couple of cool/funny YouTube videos by KaitlynBridge, who is pretty awesome, and if you have any spare time (of course you do, you're wasting it reading my blog), you should check out her other videos. Many of them aren't of her singing, just of her being rad (I really like her non-musical stuff, too), but if you like her nerd-core song stylings, here is her MySpace page for that.

So, yeah, I have a total girl-crush on her.

I have homework to do now, so I better get going. Talk at y'all soon!

Oh, yeah, and before I forget:

Seth MacFarlane,
I notice you're sliding down the path towards selling out to "the man." Stop doing that.
All My Love,

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