Friday, January 22, 2010

Thank Zeus It's Friday

The weekend is finally here! And for all of you out there with social lives: Have fun with your parties and drunken shenanigans and whatnot, jerks. Meanwhile, I (as an anti-social, internet addicted, under-21 student) will spend the weekend reading too many Cracked articles, knitting John's scarf, and maybe--emphasis on maybe--doing all the readings and writing assignments due next week. I should also probably unpack, since I've been back for about a week, but that might not happen, either.

So, this week had some holidays and anniversaries you may have remembered and some you may have forgotten. Specifically:
  • Monday: Martin Luther King Jr. Day (If you've never heard of MLK Day, rethink your citizenship status.)
  • Tuesday: Confederate Heroes Day, which is a state holiday here in Texas, though I had never heard of it until two days ago. It's celebrated on Robert E. Lee's birthday.
  • Wednesday: The 1-year anniversary of Barack Obama becoming President of the United States.
  • Friday: The 2-year anniversary of the death of Heath Ledger. (OK, maybe this one's not so important, but damn it, jokes about Heath are still going around, whereas nobody remembers swine flu.)
My roommate's ringtone is "Somebody's Baby," so I am now listening to Jackson Browne on repeat (you'll learn--actually, I'm telling you right now--that I can listen to the same song 72 times in a row and not get bored of it). At the same time, I am devouring Drunken Goat cheese like it's going out of style (it never was in style, as far as I'm aware), and reading Cracked (of course). I went to the local organic co-op and bought a bunch of produce and teabags, so this weekend I will be avoiding the processed foods (which should help with the "I don't sleep because of a little thing called the internet" bags under my eyes), which oughtn't to be that hard, because I'm pretty sure I was designed to be a vegan (I was a pescetarian for almost a year and a half, but I quit that shit, because I'm Texan, damn it, and chili and barbeque are essential to my survival).

My roommate's going out tonight, so I'm going to watch O Brother, Where Art Thou? without headphones and knit. Then maybe Monty Python and the Holy Grail (which you know, if you were able to get through my last post, is my favorite movie), or maybe just some Monty Python's Flying Circus.

Before I go, here's an interesting article about out-of-body experiences (for no reason).

Also, here are the first five articles that come up when I click Random Article on Wikipedia (I'm going to start doing this sometimes, just for the hell of it):
None of those interest me at all. Oh, well.

Have a great night, be safe, and don't do anything I wouldn't do! (You might be surprised by the weird limits that sets.)

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