Wednesday, January 20, 2010

First Day of the Semester

Today I started my first of three semesters as a college senior. I'm a little worried, but I think it'll be better once I have all of my books. I'm nervous about German, because I haven't taken Deutsch in almost four years, but I'm already better off than some of the other students (at least I knew what was going on during the first 35 minutes of class, while the instructor spoke exclusively German with a perfect accent, before explaining the syllabus to us in his South Carolina drawl). My acting class is going to be emotionally trying (we're working with the Meisner system), and there's going to be improv (which scares the crap out of me), but I've had the professor for a couple of other classes, including another acting class, so it won't be as bad as it could be. I still have my other Theatre History-based class tomorrow (at noon, which is nicer than the one I had today way too early in the morning), but I have the same professor for both of those, and I had her last semester and really liked her. I'll have to right a manifesto as a final project for one of her classes, which seems daunting now, but might be fun. All in all, I'm both scared shitless and super excited about this semester.

I've got a handful of songs from the O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack stuck in my head, which is kind of wonderful, but it's also a little bizarre for a Jewish-raised atheist to be walking around humming "Down to the River to Pray."

I shot some pool today, and I'm planning to make a habit of going to the student union for a few games at least three times a week, both to get better and to stay in practice.

This post is really just an update, and also to remind myself that a single post does not have to be a mile long. Now I guess I should get to sleep, so I can wake up early-ish and start on some schoolwork (haha). But, yeah, no, seriously, I should probably try to keep up with my classes for once. That would be good. 'Night!

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