Sunday, June 6, 2010

I Suck, Obviously

I'd like to apologize to my two semi-loyal readers for not having updated in almost two months. At first it was because I was busy with Production Lab and finishing the semester, but then it just became laziness. I will try to update more regularly from now on. Here's a brief overview of what you've missed:
  • I'm back in Dallas and have been for almost a month now. I'm staying with John and still have yet to convince him that a clean apartment in a happy apartment.
  • I got 3 A's, an A-, and a B+ for the semester and made honor roll (which I sort of didn't realize was an actual thing). This was probably my best semester since kindergarten. Unfortunately, now my mother knows I'm capable of making good grades, which means she'll encourage them.
  • I'm back to working at the community college theatre department. Our summer musical is going to be Chess (which you may know for the hit '80s song "One Night in Bangkok").
  • I'm starting a five week (Monday through Thursday, 9:40am-11:40am) yoga class tomorrow, which I'm taking in order to be able to work as a Student Assistant at the theater.
  • I spent a few days doing follow spot for the 1st and 2nd graders at the Dallas International School for their end of the year performance. I will hopefully get paid for that soon. It was kind of cool, because my mom was a kindergarten assistant there last year, so I knew some of the kids. Six-year-olds singing in French are adorable.
  • We're in pre-production for the second installment of Sam Bogart (which will be the first actual episode). I'm in this one as a short, white, sad clown henchman to the bad guy. John's directing, and he and Sam have been working for the past two weeks to get the absolute perfect jokes in the script. The film noir spoof Sam Bogart, as well as Rex Kennedy (which is an adventure serial spoof invented for this year's 48-Hour Film Project, which the gang unfortunately did not win), will hopefully, maybe, be turned into web series, which would be awesome.
  • I finally got around to writing to Shaun at basic. Hopefully he gets my letter before he graduates. I'm a master procrastinator.
  • I miss my roommate and am sad that she is no longer my roommate.
Plenty of other stuff has happened since mid-April, but this is the abridged version. I will update soon and get this blog back on track, but I just wanted to let you know I'm still alive--I'm just a lazy bum. Talk to ya soon!

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