Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Updates For Two Days In A Row?! It's A Sign Of The Apocalypse!

Hey, y'all. Now that I have the web back in my room, my internet addiction has returned full-force. Which will be awful for my grades but great for YOU, my imaginary readers, because it makes me want to post. Even though I don't have much to say. So maybe it's not so great for you.

My roommate is off at general auditions for next season's MainStage shows. I made her perform her monologue for me, and it was good. And--oh, wait, she just walked in complaining about one of our suitemates, who is kind of a bitch. And "kind of a bitch" is being kind. Apparently, our suitemate pulled the front door of the building (it's a very public dorm building, meaning it has food facilities) closed behind her when she saw my roommate coming. That's not too bitchy as far as bitchiness goes, but it's the thought that counts, I guess. Plus, my roommate is a little less "let it slide" than I am.

I put a big ol' bottle of grape juice in the freezer last night and accidentally forgot about it, so it's been sitting out thawing for hours, and I'm out of lemon juice for my water, so rather than of cutting up a real lemon or drinking plain water, I'm letting myself get a thirst headache instead.

Ramble ramble ramble.

There, now my rambling actually had a point of some sort.

No, Ari, it didn't.

Oh, geez. I think the internet may be talking to me. This relapse of my web addiction could be bad.

So, the Fall course schedule came out online today, and I've figured out what classes I want to take next semester. I'm hoping to take Advanced Production Lab (my last one), Second Semester German, Speaking Shakespeare, and Beginning Fencing. If it works out, I'll won't have any classes before 12:30pm, and I won't have any Friday classes. Fencing and Speaking Shakespeare are going to be a little scary, but it'll be my last year of college, so why not push my comfort zones?

Which reminds me, I keep forgetting to tell y'all that I got the single room for next year, but it'll be across campus (the single rooms across the street went fast) and it'll have a community restroom, which I haven't had to deal with since Freshman year, but it's fine. I'll be right across the street from food AND my first class every day (if the schedule works out).

And speaking of working out, I need to start doing that more. Before Spring Break, I was doing 500 assorted crunches six days a week, and now it's more like 50. Bleh.

My dad gave be a pound of lox as part of the army's worth of food he brought me, so I'm going to go buy bagels. I'm sorry to have assaulted y'all with the random inner ramblings of my mind. I swear I'm neither a street corner bum nor Hitler (if you've ever tried to read Mein Kampf, then you understand the analogy). Later!

P.S.- Oh, yeah, it's John's mom's birthday! Happy Birthday, John's mom!!

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